To evoke and be able to focus on certain musical ghosts coming from the past turning them into an up-to-date sound it’s not so simple. Let’s suppose someone could do it successfully. Let’s add the fact that the overall basic theme glances at the nowadays consumer society with a cynical and nihilist attitude and…BOOM..le jeux sont fait! EK Product couldn’t get out of releasing an album which has brought all of us in to our earliest origins, when we listened a lot to Throbbing Gristle, Suicide, Cabaret Voltaire, Fad Gadget, Chrome from early 80s , as well as the first post-punk by Wire and PIL, the latter during the marvelous period of Second Edition / Metal Box. We also do not want to forget to list the influence of the N.Y. No Wave from late 70s and, to talk about the contemporary days, the reminiscences of the electro-clash sound of the american band ADULT.