The debut by the Italian duo Public Domain Resource is an important novelty in the alternative-electro panorama. Founded in 2012, the project combines stylistically various electronic elements mainly directing its sound in a high-class technological-pop direction, privileging atmospheres and sounds aimed at ultra-modernism: the drum beats pulse at variable speed mesmerizing and inviting to dance, assembling them with precision to the vocal sections often processed by alien filtering and to the stereo-grams designed by synths. Their first album “Dead Surface promises to make the duo known and appreciated by all fans of quality electronic sounds, being a product of extraordinary effectiveness. The tracklist includes 15 tracks, 2 of them remixed by the excellent act TourdeForce and by the same Retrogramme: all songs are specially conceived to attract and entertain the listener who will be wrapped by fluid, geometrically perfect and orderly frequencies, creating a kaleidoscope of futuristic and sophisticated images. The professional sound-system and the technical solutions applied in the recording process highlight the solid pop-electronic culture/knowledge owned by P.D.R. as well as an admirable sagacity in being able to generate melodies and rhythms that balance the coldness of machines and the perception of a human presence behind.